Parent Sign Up

Dear Parents,

We are excited to offer an empowering mentorship program for local youth through our RiskTakers Youth Initiative. We match caring, trustworthy adult mentors from the community with young people ages 16-24 who could benefit from extra support and guidance.

As a parent, you may be wondering—how could a mentor help my child? A mentor provides motivation, shares advice, and serves as an advocate. They take a genuine interest in the growth and well-being of a young person during critical years. Their encouragement can inspire youth to reach important goals.

Our thorough application and screening process ensures that only suitable mentors are selected. During our mandatory mentor training program, candidates learn best practices and build skills for fulfilling this crucial role. Once matched, we facilitate regular check-ins and networking events among mentors, youth, and parents.

We encourage you to consider enrolling your child in our free, voluntarily program if you feel they could thrive with extra support. By fostering these meaningful connections now, we are empowering the next generation of leaders in our community.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions. We look forward to your involvement!

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